It’s no big shocker that I love Valentine’s day and all things love… in fact I love LOVE all year round 365 days a year. I think about it morning, noon and night. I pin it, I quote it, I post it, I cover it in glitter and hang it on my wall, I put it in envelopes and send it in the mail. I want everyone to feel my love every day. But most especially on Valentine’s Day!

Making homemade valentine’s!

Yesterday, the news feeds were full of flower and v day deliveries, engagements, well wishes for a happy Valentine’s Day. I loved every part of it! And then there were others announcing that they didn’t need a special day to say I love you. That’s awesome. You and me both. I will shout it from the roof tops every day. A really awesome guy and friend of mine Gebbs posted this and I thought- yes, he has the right idea too. So kudos to those who spread the love everyday like us!

But not all of us are like that. Some of us need that special day. Like Thanksgiving we give thanks and gratitude and show that with family gatherings full of turkey, pumpkin pie and football. Grand tradition might I add. And then there’s Fourth of July, we celebrate our freedom once a year with fireworks and barbeques. It’s all about honoring and traditions and we could talk about every holiday. Sure we should be grateful for our lives, friends, family and freedom every day… but do we? Do we record it in a gratitude journal, pray about it at church or do we go about our daily lives until its time to plan the menu and send out the invitations? I really loved what my friend Cherie, President of Wedding Network USA said about V day. What I love even more is that fact that I just screen shot it and uploaded to share. Technology can be fun!

Not everyone was all about celebrating love all year round. Some were just flat out snarky about their co-workers receiving big bouquets of flowers. Who cares if someone is in a new relationship and wants to shower their honey. It doesn’t mean anything about you. There is no need to rain on anyone’s parade. It doesn’t make you a bad person because you didn’t do the same for your honey. You should be happy that your co-worker found someone that loves and adores them and wants to do nice things for them.

Evie, my funny Valentine!

Already hanging on my wall!

Already hanging on my wall!Or the single folks who complain that it’s singles awareness day. Honestly, I am the epitome of a single girl. I am always single on valentine’s day. Like the last 10 years. No joke. I have a history of short romances none of which have actually fallen on v day. Except one. And he worked at a florist. I loved that v day. HEEEELLLLLOOOOO flowers! But seriously why do you have to make being single on valentine’s day a bad thing? Why not go out with your single friends and have a good time? Why are we complaining and making this a day to be sad? So you aren’t in a relationship on this particular day, but I bet there are several people out there that you love and that love you and you sure can share that with them. In fact, I claimed a 3 year old as my valentine and I am proud of it!!! Ash and Evie– click here to see how cheesy, adorable and fun we are! But, I can’t control what people post, or their opinions or what they are feeling on the inside. All I can do is spread the love… and share a few of my favorite things (insert Kenny Rogers singing because I heart him too) from yesterday. These things make me soooooo happy and I love to see other people sooooo happy so I hope you all enjoy them as much as I did.

Favorite Photo: Brad was classmate of mine growing up who returned from a 7 month deployment. Totally reminds me of Alfred Eisenstadt’s Kissing the War Goodbye. I did not ask permission to share this either so I hope they don’t mind me bragging about them. I love how chic she is in her big hat, polished nailed and pearl earrings and that he is in uniform and gosh, you can almost feel how strong and tight that embrace is can’t you? I bet this was followed by several hundred more kisses. xooxox
Favorite Engagement: I am bias as I know them personally, but at least I am admitting it.
Congrats Liz and Nick!
I know a great wedding planner 🙂
Favorite Valentine: (don’t tell Evie) goes to a dear dear friend of mine from college, Jacqui!
Check this out- a singing telegram that her beau Josh sent to her work.
I gotta know, does Josh have a brother???
However you spent February 14th, I hope it was magical and that you woke up today full of joy and love.
And I hope you continue to wake up every day with that same joy and love.
And if you don’t, I am happy to assist by sending you that joy and love!